Volume: 4 Issue: 16, 12/31/21

Year: 2021

Research Article


Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture
Prof. Dr. Hayrullah ACAR MARDİN ARTUKLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0001-5263-7765
Persian Language, Literature and Culture, Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayhan TEK Muş Alparslan Ünv. Kürt Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü 0000-0002-9862-6938
World Languages, Literature and Culture, Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture, Comparative and Transnational Literature, Classical Turkish Literature Out of Ottoman Field, Classical Turkish Literature of Ottoman Field, Classical Turkish Literature
Instructor Leyla KAPLAN Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi 0000-0001-7887-9017
Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture

Nûbihar Akademî is an interntaional peer-reviewed academic journal that will be publishing articles in the field of Kurdology. Nubihar Akademî journal covers with an academic style all kinds of scientific articles and accommodates with a multi-disciplinary approach writings in the fields of linguistics, literature, culture, art, economy, sociology, religion, etc. Works such as articles, translations, transcriptions, symposium papers, books and theses will be published in the journal. The articles that are submitted to be published will be evaluated by expert peer-reviewers whose names will not be disclosed. Nûbihar Akademî is published biannually in spring and autumn. Publication languages are both Kurdish (all dialects) and English.

Nûbihar Akademî is an interntaional peer-reviewed academic journal that will be publishing articles in the field of Kurdology. Nubihar Akademî journal covers with an academic style all kinds of scientific articles and accommodates with a multi-disciplinary approach writings in the fields of linguistics, literature, culture, art, economy, sociology, religion, etc. Works such as articles, translations, transcriptions, symposium papers, books and theses will be published in the journal. The articles that are submitted to be published will be evaluated by expert peer-reviewers whose names will not be disclosed. Nûbihar Akademî is published biannually in spring and autumn. Publication languages are both Kurdish (all dialects) and English.

Nûbihar Akademî is an interntaional peer-reviewed academic journal that will be publishing articles in the field of Kurdology. Nubihar Akademî journal covers with an academic style all kinds of scientific articles and accommodates with a multi-disciplinary approach writings in the fields of linguistics, literature, culture, art, economy, sociology, religion, etc. Works such as articles, translations, transcriptions, symposium papers, books and theses will be published in the journal. The articles that are submitted to be published will be evaluated by expert peer-reviewers whose names will not be disclosed. Nûbihar Akademî is published biannually in spring and autumn. Publication languages are both Kurdish (all dialects) and English.

Nûbihar Akademî is an interntaional peer-reviewed academic journal that will be publishing articles in the field of Kurdology. Nubihar Akademî journal covers with an academic style all kinds of scientific articles and accommodates with a multi-disciplinary approach writings in the fields of linguistics, literature, culture, art, economy, sociology, religion, etc. Works such as articles, translations, transcriptions, symposium papers, books and theses will be published in the journal. The articles that are submitted to be published will be evaluated by expert peer-reviewers whose names will not be disclosed. Nûbihar Akademî is published biannually in spring and autumn. Publication languages are both Kurdish (all dialects) and English.

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